What does wallwisher do?
Wallwisher is a web page where users could post their comments, ideas, thoughts and so on.
Why is this particular technology relevant to language learning? What approaches to language learning underpin the use of this technology?
Teachers could set up a wallwisher wall for their class on a specific topic. For example, they could collect their students' feedback or suggestions for next lecture's content. Secondly, students could post their questions on the wall, where other students could brainstorm. It's not only helpful to sudents' linguistic competence, but also good to connect everyone in the class to foster interdependence. Interaction, negotiation, collaboration, etc., are important things in generating learner autonomy (Little 1994:435).
What limitations can you see with the use of this technology?
First, there is a word amount limit to each poster(160 words at most).
Second, suppose your class' size is big, the posters sticked on the wall could become clustered quickly. Maybe, it would be better to limit up to two ideas that each students could post most within a ten people group.
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